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Introducing Benchmark Workshop
Using Benchmark Workshop in your Literacy Block
Suggested Pacing Guide
Strategies and Skills at a Glance
Resources at a Glance
Independent Reading and Responding
Guide to Text Complexity
Social and Emotional Mindfulness & Culturally Responsive Learning
Research and Inquiry Project
A Mountain Gorilla Grows Up
Guide to Shared Reading
Day 1: Five Little Tadpoles
Day 2: Five Little Tadpoles
Day 3: Someday
Day 4: Someday
Day 5: Caterpillars
Day 1: Introduce Unit 1: Plants and Animals Grow and Change
Day 2: Introduce the Genre: Informational Text
Day 3: Ask Questions
Day 4: Recognize Central Idea (Main Topic), Including the Supporting Evidence
Day 5: Use Text to Determine Word Meanings
An Oak Tree Has a Life Cycle
Day 1: Baby Animals
Day 2: Baby Animals
Day 3: Grow, Ducklings, Grow
Day 4: Grow, Ducklings, Grow
Day 1: Ask Questions
Day 2: Describe the Connection Between Events: Sequence of Events
Day 3: Sort Words into Categories
Day 4: Use Text Features and Graphics to Locate Information
Day 5: Identify Similarities In and Differences Between Two Texts on the Same Topic
Baby Animals: Three Personal Narratives
Day 1: My Garden
Day 2: My Garden
Day 3: The Seed
Day 4: The Seed
Day 1: Introduce the Genre: Personal Narrative
Day 2: Recognize Central Idea (Main Topic), Including the Supporting Evidence
Day 3: Describe the Connection Between Events: Sequence of Events
Day 4: Sort Words into Categories
Day 5: Unit Wrap‑Up: Plants and Animals Grow and Change
Leveled Texts for Differentiated Small-Group Reading
Read-Aloud Extending Activities
Recommended Trade Book List
Academic Language Support
Unit 1 Vocabulary