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Week 1

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Week 2

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Week 3

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Read-aloud time is an important component of the Workshop classroom. These 10- to 15-minute experiences provide daily opportunities for students to hear rich, high-quality fiction, poetry, and informational texts that spark their appreciation of stories, excite their curiosity about the world, and stretch their critical and creative thinking. Research demonstrates that students of all ages benefit from and enjoy being read to aloud. Read aloud to your students multiple times per day, if possible.

Daily Interactive Read-Alouds

Each week’s Reader’s Workshop mini-lessons are based on a specific informational or literary mentor read-aloud (see the Resources at a Glance on Side 1 of the Unit Foldout). On Day 1 of each week (or at the end of the previous week), read aloud this text to students before the Reader’s Workshop mini-lesson. An interactive read-aloud lesson is provided for each of the three mentor texts in the unit. See the Suggested Pacing Guide (p. XV) for additional information.

Other Read-Alouds

During other read-alouds, simply read without interruption, allowing students to become immersed in the text. Read with expression and passion. Make it clear that you are enjoying the selection. Let the language flow without a lot of interruptions.

Reading Aloud High-Quality Trade Books

Recommended trade books can be found on page AR3 of the Additional Resources section of this Teacher’s Resource System. Build these read-alouds into content area as well as ELA time at any point during the day when you have available time.

Read-Aloud Extending Activities can be found on page AR2 of the Additional Resources section of this Teacher’s Resource System.

Unit 1 Interactive Read-Alouds

Skills at a Glance





Interactive Read-Aloud

Comprehension, Genre Analysis & Author’s Craft

Build Genre Knowledge: Informational Text

Use Text and Graphic Features

Build Genre Knowledge: Personal Narrative

Identify the Central Idea (Main Topic) (Central Idea)

Sequence of Events

Draw Inferences

Draw Inferences

Draw Inferences

Make Connections Between Words and Their Uses

Print Concepts

Book Cover, Author

Book Cover, Author

Book Cover, Author

Lessons at a Glance




Mentor Read-Alouds

Interactive Read-Aloud

(10–15 min.)

Interactive Read-Aloud

(10–15 min.)

Interactive Read-Aloud

(10–15 min.)


Mentor Text: A Mountain Gorilla Grows Up

Conduct this read-aloud prior to the Day 2 Mini-Lesson.

Mentor Text: An Oak Tree Has a Life Cycle

Conduct this read-aloud prior to the Day 1 Mini-Lesson.

Mentor Text: Baby Animals: Three Personal Narratives

Conduct this read-aloud prior to the Day 1 Mini-Lesson.

DAYS 2–5

Teacher’s Choice

Select titles from your classroom or school library. See the list of recommended read-alouds in Additional Resources. You may also wish to reread this week’s mentor text or reread a mentor text from a previous week.

Conduct your read-alouds at any time during the instructional day when it is most convenient.

Teacher’s Choice

Select titles from your classroom or school library. See the list of recommended read-alouds in Additional Resources. You may also wish to reread this week’s mentor text or reread a mentor text from a previous week.

Conduct your read-alouds at any time during the instructional day when it is most convenient.

Teacher’s Choice

Select titles from your classroom or school library. See the list of recommended read-alouds in Additional Resources. You may also wish to reread this week’s mentor text or reread a mentor text from a previous week.

Conduct your read-alouds at any time during the instructional day when it is most convenient.